Valued Reader,
When we use the phrase "The Cradle of Traffic" one can't help but feel a certain
sense of mysticism, and rightfully so. It must be the most sought after thing by all
online marketers across the globe, which makes it the cradle of your internet
business. Without quality traffic there can be no sales online or otherwise. Quality
traffic are the kind of visitors that actually stay on your blog, reading your posts and
leaving comments.
These are the kind of visitors you need and it's all about targeting, getting 1000
visitors that actually appreciate your work is worth exponentially more than
10,000,000 Hits with a 100% bounce rate. That completely defeats the purpose of getting visitors in the first place,
and can easily be done by purchasing random "Traffic Packages" (No professional affiliate marketer will do that) for
dirt cheap.
There is only one way to get the visitors you need (that actually buys from you) and that's by working for it, prepare
to engage your audiences by providing the content they need. Quality content must remain a constant, which is why
product and niche knowledge is so important. There's a lot more to it than just starting a blog, and buying traffic
How To Get The Traffic - That's actually the easy part, the real question is where are they from? But that we will
discuss once we have the traffic coming in. There are several tools to use when wanting to build back links, but can
back links drive traffic?
Yes they can and they will but that will depend on the quality of your comment, do you add value to the topic or just
a quick blabber for a back link? Content is and always will be the King of Conversion, and yes the competition is
quite fierce. Which is why it is so important you learn as much as you possibly can about your niche, and identify a
common need to which you can offer a solution (or advice) based on personal research and knowledge.
You can easily access the sites directly related to your own by using tools like "Drop My Link" and "Put My Link"
and base your search on a specific keyword or keyword search phrase. With Drop My Link you need to create your
free account to use the tool where with Put My Link that will not be necessary. Both are excellent research tools and
you may as well keep both of them, you're going to use them more than you can imagine.
Once inside (Just search your browser for the keywords), you will have options like Category / Keyword and
Footprint / Find? This will vary depending on which one of the two you decide to use.
For your Category / Keyword try using both short tail (Single Keywords) and long tail (Keyword Phrase) keywords
with individual searches.
For your Footprint / Find, allow me to suggest you go with Comment Luv Premium (With Drop My Link) and
Comment Luv Premium Blogs (With Put My Link). Don't be deterred by the "Premium", it's not going to cost you
anything. These are all free traffic tactics. Comment Luv Premium Blogs are sites that use the Comment Luv Plugin,
now what this does is;
When you comment on a post, and you leave your URL (To your own blog) in the section provided along with your
name and email address. The plugin will automatically select your latest blog post URL or provide a list of your posts
for you to choose from. That post URL will then be displayed along with your comment.
With other options you will find under the Footprint / Find sections, you may end up on sites using comment
platforms like Disqus and Gravatar. In this case, it is crucial that you create a professional profile with both these
giants because from your comments your readers will access your profiles.
Include the link to your own Blog in these profiles (There are specific designations), so when that already interested
visitor visits your profile, you can be certain they will visit your blog.
That is how you access all the different blogs, websites and online forums needed to build those high quality back
links. But it does not end with finding the particular site, there are a few research tactics to get to the really great
Page Rank - Check the page rank for every individual site you wish to have back links from. But only test the
primary domain, anything after the first forward slash (/) normally preceded by the (dotcom) (dotorg) (dotnet) must
be ignored. The tool to use is the Google PR Checker (Just search your browser).
You also want to focus (But not limited to) sites with the https protocol enabled, and the little green padlock display
suggesting the site is secure. But when you test these kind of URLs with the Google PR Checker, then you need to
remove the "S", and use only the http protocol. For some reason the search result influences the result enormously,
and you will miss out on really high quality sites.
We all like back links from PR1 - PR5, but don't dismiss even the PR0 sites. A PR0 means the site is in fact indexed
in Google, and I have found many PR0 sites with Millions of visitors. When you come across sites with a N/A result
on the search page, then that site is not even indexed in Google yet.
Visitors Stats - You need to know both visitor Quality and Quantity, which is also done with a free tool called Similar
Web. With this tool you can use both http and https protocol enabled sites, it will not influence your result.
You will be able to see the Global Rank, Country rank and Category Rank of any URL you enter into the search. You
will see Engagement stats, and amount of Traffic for every 6 Month period, but more importantly where the traffic is
coming from.
It comes highly recommended you concentrate on the 7 Top Tier Traffic Countries. They are; United States, United
Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and France.
High Quality Comment Content - Now that you have a list of sites directly related to your own Niche and Topic,
you're ready to open the traffic floodgates. First you need to actually read the post you wish to comment on, so you
can add value to the conversation. A simple "Good post, thanks for sharing", will attract very little to no attention.
Where "Outstanding post, thanks for the hard work. I notice you mention free post scheduling, one of my own
personal favourites is Buffer. And I do agree, regardless of the tool you use, timing is crucial." Will attract
exponentially more attention.
This way you attract attention by raising curiosity. What is Buffer, and what does this guy mean with timing? See
where this is going? As with your blog posts, your comments must raise curiosity where your reader must want to
know more. Once you master this, you will never have to sales pitch again... ever!
Knowledge is the key to both an inspiring blog and an active engaging audience. And it is the only way you will be
able to provide your audience with useful unique content, gathered from your own research.
Learn Exceptional Traffic Driving Skill
Audiences are tired of copy/paste marketers, reading the same identical posts and emails from different people.
Providing unique content is the only way to stand out and get recognised as a professional in your field......
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