The iPhone has taken the mobile industry by storm, and has positioned itself as the cool new "must-have" gadget.
Part of what makes the iPhone so popular is the abundance of apps that are available to iPhone users. There are
literally thousands of apps, and new ones keep popping up every day, letting iPhone users play games, check the
weather, edit photos, create music, and much more: all without ever lifting their gaze from the glow of the iPhone
The beauty of the app system is that it isn't limited to professional developers, either. Some of the most popular
iPhone apps have been created by ordinary people with absolutely no programming experience, who were armed
with just one important tool: a great idea. These great ideas can also be great money-makers, as it turns out. A
single app with a successful turnout can mean thousands of dollars for the the creator.
So how is it possible for a person with no programming experience to make money with iPhone apps? The answer
is simple: outsourcing. Outsourcing means that the person with the idea for the app doesn't have to do the work of
creating and developing it. Instead, they create an outline of what the app will do, how it should work, what it should
look like, and any other essential characteristics. This rough plan is then passed on to a programmer with the
technology and experience to bring the app to life. The programmer is usually paid either a straight fee, or receives
a small percentage of the app's future sales, but the person with the original idea is the one who truly capitalizes
from the app. Some people will also form partnerships, wherein one person is responsible for coming up with the
new ideas, and the other takes care of the technical details. Either way, there's no need to study programming in
order to jump to the forefront of the iPhone revolution. To make money with iPhone apps, the idea is the first vital
It's also important to remember that many popular iPhone app ideas aren't Earth-shattering inventions; sometimes
the key to their success is in their simplicity. For example, "Pronunciation Apps" are widely downloaded, and range
from everyday pronunciations to difficult words used for anatomy and microbiology. The idea is simple but effective,
which is key. Although game apps are extremely popular and tend to be big earners, a first-time app creator can still
potentially make money with iPhone apps by coming up with a simple idea that satisfies a particular want or need.
One of the reasons that it's possible to successfully make money with iPhone apps is that it's a source of residual
income. Simply put, this means that the creator continually earns money from an app that he or she only had to
create once. The people who developed some of the first popular iPhone apps are still making money from those
same apps today, even though they created them years ago. And since iPhone apps are digital products, it's not
necessary to pay to reproduce, package, and ship them: they are simply downloaded, which virtually eliminates the
costs that would be associated with tangible products.
Another factor that allows people to make money with iPhone apps is that the creators have potential worldwide
consumer exposure for their product. Once Apple has approved your iPhone app, it is made available to thousands
of iPhone users who are waiting to eagerly snatch up the coolest new thing. If that happens to be your app, sales
will instantly skyrocket, and since word-of-mouth is one of the best forms of advertisement, a simple iPhone app can
become a new download trend. If the average consumer is paying $0.99- $1.99 per app, and there are hundreds or
thousands of downloads per month, then your app can become a valuable source of recurring income. Part of the
money earned from the app goes to Apple, and part of it goes to you as the creator, so it simply comes down to a
question of attracting enough people downloading your app each month in order to pocket a nice profit.
Even better, the overall number of downloads isn't the only way to make money with iPhone apps, either. There is
also the potential for ad revenue. If you're willing to let advertisers place ads within your app (related to your app's
overall theme, of course), then it's possible to pull in an extra chunk of change just from selling the advertising
space. This "chunk of change" could mean a few hundred extra dollars a month for a popular app, and it's no extra
cost or effort for you. This is the beauty of the system when it comes to residual income; it's possible to receive a
continuous profit in more than one way, for something that only needed to be created once.
There's also no limit to how many times a person can come up with fresh new ideas to make money with iPhone
apps, because one good idea often leads to another. One of the best business models for residual income is the
"rinse and repeat" system. Essentially, it means that once you've come up with a profitable idea, don't stop there!
Come up with another idea, create a new app, and then another one, and another one, and let each one earn you
money every year from downloads and advertising.
Making money with iPhone apps is certainly achievable, especially when you're armed with the right information.
You'll need to know where to find someone to build your app for you at an affordable price, how to sketch out your
ideas and choose your target audience, what the best marketing methods are, and how to get Apple to approve your
app so that it can get on the market right away. To get started, visit [] for a guide you
can download that will take you step-by-step through the process, and help you start making money with iPhone
apps in as little a few days.
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