Wednesday, 2 May 2018

How to Increase Your Followers on YouTube

The use of video marketing is becoming increasingly popular for entrepreneurs.
The reason is simple. More people are using mobile devices and the videos are
easier to view on these devices than reading a lengthy blog post.
Unfortunately, there's a lot of competition on YouTube. Getting noticed isn't always
easy. But, with a few simple tips, you can begin increasing the number of followers
that you've got on YouTube.
With more followers, your videos are more likely to get noticed. Here are several
steps that you can take right now to begin growing your YouTube following.
Increase the Value of Your Videos
The first step is to increase the value of your videos. People won't share videos that don't provide any real value.
You can't just create a video introducing your business and hope to get thousands of views.
Each video needs to have a specific focus. It's much like writing a quality blog post. In fact, you can recycle your
most popular blog content into videos.
Whenever you write a script for a video, always ask yourself if you'd share this video with others. The video needs to
offer some benefit to the viewer. You can provide instructions, demonstrations, or tips related to a specific topic.
Remain Consistent with Your Release Schedule
YouTube offers video recommendations based on what you've already watched. If you remain consistent with your
release schedule, you're more likely to gain new subscribers.
If a viewer watches one of your videos without following, YouTube may recommend your new videos as they're
released. This helps bring viewers back to your channel.
Whether you release one or four new videos each month, you should stick to a schedule. Decide which day of the
week you'll release your videos. Subscribers will know when to check back and your viewer retention rates will
Ask People to Subscribe to Your Channel
Your videos should serve a specific purpose. As with your blog articles, the end of the video should include a call to
action. You could tell viewers to follow a link or you can use this call to action to remind viewers to subscribe.
YouTube also provides the option to include an image or graphic to act as a clickable button overlay directly on top
of your video. With this clickable button, you can include a link to subscribe to your YouTube channel.
Include a YouTube Widget on Your Website
You should also add a widget or link on your website that connects with your YouTube channel. Increase exposure
to your channel by adding these features to your blog or business site.
If you use WordPress, you can find numerous widgets and plugins that allow you to add YouTube videos to your
site. You could also add a YouTube subscribe button on your site.
Become a Featured YouTube Channel
You have the option to add "Featured Channels" to your YouTube channel. These are channels that you follow and
recommend your followers to follow.
By getting these other channels to recommend you to their followers, you can boost exposure. There are two ways
to go about this.
You can either directly ask a channel to add you or you can start following them. There is no guarantee that the
other channel will follow you, but it's still worth the effort.
Interact with People That Comment on Your Videos
You shouldn't ignore the comments on your videos. Actively respond to these comments. People may leave a
comment without following. After responding, they might rethink their decision and start following your channel.
Increasing your YouTube following is one method for improving your online presence..

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