Wednesday, 2 May 2018


When you start affiliate marketing, you're like an unpaid salesperson. You find a
product or service that you like, become an affiliate for it and when you sell it, the
product owner pays you a commission.
You're called an affiliate because you're associated with the product but not part of
the business that produced it. You don't have to create a product, sort out payment
systems or organize the product delivery. It's a great way to start an online
But before you start affiliate marketing, there are 5 things that you need to have in place.

1. Website
You don't technically need your own website to start affiliate marketing. You can just send your potential customers
directly to a product's sales page. But what if you spend a huge amount of time sending countless numbers of
visitors to the product sales page, but they don't purchase anything. That prospective buyer is lost to you. Where as
if you send them your website, which promotes good products, your visitors will get to get to know, like and trust
you. When they do, you'll find that your affiliate commissions increase substantially.

2. Website Content
Your main value to a potential customer is to supply information. It's how they'll come to trust your thoughts and
opinions. It's what will bring them back to your website and it's what will encourage them to click on your affiliate
links to make a purchase. Much of your content will also pre-sell the products and services you're selling. You can
provide content in the form of articles, reviews, videos, reports, checklists, eBooks etc.

3. Email List
Your objective is to develop an email list so you can promote different products to your subscribers. When prospects
are on your email list, you can send them offers about products and services whenever you want. By building your
own list you are in control of your income and in control of which products you choose to promote.

4. Valuable Giveaways
This is something that you can offer as an incentive for prospects to give you their email address. Many giveaways
are digital downloads, such as a report, checklist, eBook or video. This is because they provide instant satisfaction.
When somebody enters their email address your autoresponder (see below) can instantly send them an email that
contains the link to the digital download.

5. Quality Autoresponder
A well quality autoresponder will work on your behalf on autopilot. It generally takes about 6-7 emails before a
person will commit to making a purchase. You can set your autoresponder to send out follow up emails on
automatically when somebody joins your email list.

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