Wednesday, 2 May 2018


You can get free traffic to your website from your YouTube videos by optimizing the
content of your video. This type of optimization (search engine optimization or
SEO) is an important part of developing and marketing your online business.
Google bought YouTube because it recognizes the power of video as a search tool.

Video search makes up more than 70% of all web traffic in and this will only
increase in the future.
So how can you maximize your videos' SEO to get more free traffic from your
YouTube videos?

Why Use Video?

Google, and the other search engines, regularly rank a piece of content that contains video ahead of a similar piece
of content with no video.
It's much easier to make a connection by way of video. People can hear your voice and see you talking. Promoting
products and services online can sometimes be more difficult than person-to-person sales. Video is a great way to
make that personal connection through the internet.

YouTube Description
On YouTube, your video description can be up to 5,000 characters long. This means you could add approximately
800 words of description to each video you place on YouTube. When you add plenty of relevant keywords and
phrases to your video tags, titles and any accompanying content, it will get picked up by Google and your content
will rank higher.

Think of it this way. When you use as many characters as YouTube allows, and your competitors don't, you develop
a simple advantage that speaks the language the YouTube search engine algorithm is looking for.

Social Media Backlinks
A backlink is simply a path that reveals where someone started before they went to your website. The search
engines respect social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube. When you put videos on
those sites and people click from your videos to your website, the search engines see this and rank your website
higher on the search listings.

Get Visitors To Stay On Your Website Longer
People stay on a webpage for a longer time when there is video on that page. The amount of time someone stays
on your website is an important measurement in the Google algorithm. The same is true for search engines like Bing
and Yahoo. The longer you can get someone to stay on your website the better your ranking for search terms on
that page.

Get More Traffic From YouTube Videos
The Key Tools Limited is a YouTube keyword suggestion tool. It provides as many as 750 keyword suggestions
absolutely free. The software uses the YouTube auto-complete function to show you suitable and often searched
keywords about your niche or market.....

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