Tuesday, 1 May 2018


In this day and age, Blogging comes as a convenient solution for anyone who
wants to display his or her innate creativity and works-portfolio before eager
audiences around the globe - but without ever having to leave the comfort of one's
living quarters or office space. Whether it's for exhibiting your daily journal entries,
opinion pieces, painted canvases or original home videos, or for even following-up
on a commercial venture; it doesn't matter. By following a few simple styling and
formatting rules for your blog's interface and individual content postings, you can
look forward to gaining legions of dedicated subscribers (and may even count on
their support to make your productions go viral!).

But before even starting out on this e-publishing journey, you have to understand
that successful blogging takes time and consistent effort, and calls on you to draw on your faculties of patience and
forbearance - as you will not strike gold on the very first day. Still, and particularly for the neurotic gifted few of you
out there, it is a worthwhile occupation; with the potential to pay off handsomely in the long run (and not only in
monetary terms). The first step towards great blogging, of course, starts with the provision of a decent Internet

Although the worldwide web is absolutely flooded with a limitless number of articles on 'Best Blogging Practices' and
everything related to the said enterprise, very few of them feature any actual and relatable prescriptions (borne out
of real-life experience) that are available for easy emulation by the beginners in the field. Compiled below is a list of
points (tricks, really) that will help set you out on the right trajectory from the very first day that you decide to activate
your blog online in the virtual sphere. These will keep you from stumbling over unnecessary 'strategies' that you may
initially find appealing, but aren't really so upon closer inspection (and may actually end up harming your
subscription interests, if implemented). The focus of this guide is premised on blogs primarily meant to carry written
content (and represents a summation of countless hours of research work done on the subject.

Secret 1: Write only for (and even about) yourself
When starting out on your writing expedition, bear it in mind to bring out the 'you' in every post. Be deeply emotive
and personal, and get your raw subjectivity out into the open. Choose not to cover your flawed and conflicted
essential self with confidence and dignity; secure in the knowledge that your readers would really love to know
what's going on with you. Don't be afraid to get provocative, or to vent on topics popularly deemed to be 'taboo' in
society circles - but don't make such analyses as hollow ends in themselves. Remember that the reader is as
intelligent and discerning as you (if not more; to give them some credit) - and won't be lured-in for long by the 'same
old, same old'. Be yourself, at all costs... but do change the content parameters from time to time.

Secret 2: Get to know your Crowd
If you want to increase traffic flows to your blog (particularly of potential new subscribers curious about the going-
ons on your page, then be prepared to invest a lot of time and energy in getting to know your audience base. You
need to determine what kinds of topics and themes they're interested in, and then tap into that ideas-niche to deliver
stellar content that has been intricately tailored to their needs on every level. A fun way to pique the minds of your
readers is to regularly engage them with indirect questionnaires guised in the garb of quirky tweets or small
statements. Based on the comments that they give, you'll know which path to tread.

Secret 3: Increase your Reading Frequency by a factor of 4
Nothing expands your knowledge-base more than thorough and consistent reading. Bringing-up on literature
(particularly on subjects that deeply interest you) equips you with a reservoir of facts, figures and claims from which
you can weed out many interesting ideas for your posts. Try to postulate linkages to issues that may affect the lives
of the non-interested others - your audience - in profound ways (and that will keep them coming back for more).
Subscribe to a reading plan on Kindle, or any other E-Reader service of your choice; or simply walk over to the
sprawling library down the street and immerse yourself on a daily basis in one copious volume after another. Or
better yet, pay for an affordable, high speed Internet option and manage all of this online. Identify the deeper meta-
structures that make the literary works function. DON'T be a superficial purveyor of information, and take care to
devour those books! Your readers will thank you for all the fascinating buzz your blog posts bring to the table each

Secret 4: Bear in mind the ardent Humanity of your Readers
Avoid using language that leaves readers feeling estranged, confused or uninspired. Doing so will prove to be the
surest thing as any to 'tick them off', and thereafter losing valuable followers. Be witty, sarcastic and quirky, but not
too overtly so - otherwise you risk losing the serious impact which your words could otherwise have made. Always
try to be empathetic to the needs of the reader, and consider your blog posts from his or her perspective. Would you
want to read what you just wrote?

Secret 5: Get that Email list rolling!
Dispatching regular emails to email lists is perhaps the best strategy that you can use to keep your existing
subscribers engaged and loyal to your page. For some of the more popular bloggers on the internet, at least half or
their followers learn about newly updated content on their blogs through email notifications. Having a reliable
Internet connection, also helps out with this continual contacting business.

Secret 6: Combine Click-Bait-able Headings with Meaningful Content
Although click-bait titles are not considered part of good business or marketing practice, no one can deny that they
do lure-in potential readers (or customers) at a decidedly greater rate than conventional options. But often the
textual and/or graphical content that accompanies these advertising devices proves to be a big 'downer', and leaves
the reader feeling cheated out of his or her valuable time. So in order to avoid causing any annoyance to your
audience, make sure that the material accompanying the titles is as interesting and thought-provoking as the idea
being projected.

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